CTE: The Biggest Problem in Football Source: talkingpointssports.com | Repost Duerson Fund – 5/4/2022 – What is CTE? Recently, former NFL player, Phillip Adams, recently...
High School Sports That Cause The Most Concussions Source: chicagotribune.com | Repost Duerson Fund 8/23/2021 – Concussions have increased in the past 20 years among athletes playing...
Study Finds Association Between Head Impacts And Imaging Changes In Youth Football Players Source: eurekalert.org | Repost Duerson Fund 6/29/2021 – With preseason football training on the horizon, a new study shows...
Carmel Couple Hopes Son’s Suicide Brings Awareness To Dangers Of CTE Source: youarecurrent.com | Repost Duerson Fund 5/18/2020 – Chuck and Mary Hansen know they don’t have all the answers...
Should Parents Be Afraid To Let Their Kids Play Football? Source: fivethirtyeight.com | Repost Duerson Fund 1/27/2020 – Football’s concussion crisis has been part of the NFL for almost...
Sisters Football Player Overcomes Concussion, Learns To Kick Source: ktvz.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 6/11/2019 – It sounds like a blockbuster movie: Boy loves football, boy gets...
Golden Gate High Football Player Admitted To ICU After Practice Source: winknews.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 5/13/2019 – A Golden Gate High School football player is now suffering from...
Playing High School Football Changes The Teenage Brain Source: news.berkeley.edu | Re-Post Duerson Fund 11/19/2018 – A single season of high school football may be enough to...
How PTSD, Post-Concussion Syndrome Changed A.J. Black’s Life Forever Source: thestarpress.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 10/22/2018 – Jackie Black hardly recognized her son anymore. There was a look...
Evergreen High School Football Player Who Died After Hit Suffered Earlier Concussion Source: kiro7.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 10/9/2018 – New information about the 2015 death of high school football player...