Source: | Re-Post Duerson Fund 8/13/2018 –
The number of reported concussions involving high school athletes is down nearly 10 percent over the previous school year, according to the Michigan High School Athletic Association.
The MHSAA says its member high schools handled 3,580 head injury cases during the 2017-2018 school year – averaging out to 4.8 concussions per school, and 1.3 percent of total student-athletes.
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This is the third year the MHSAA has collected head injury reports from its member high schools. The association says each year, the number of reported head injuries have declined. Student-athletes during last school year had 19.6 percent fewer reported concussions when compared to the first year of the study.
Again this year, researchers found concussion reports by girls were three times higher than boys in the same sport. A previous study by Michigan State University’s Institute for the Study of Youth Sports concluded girls may be more susceptible to concussions than boys because of “structural differences to the neck and head,” neurological differences in the brain and because girls may be more forthright in reporting concussions.