FDA Clears Path For First Rapid Handheld TBI Biomarker Test That Could Change Sports

Source: forbes.com | Duerson Fund 3/22/2021 –

With the close of the NFL season we’ve seen some big hits, and weekly examples of the ever-evolving concussion testing and safety protocols in place. Simultaneously, in the first few weeks of 2021 there have been publications linking sports practices to brain trauma given the cumulative risk associated with the number of practices and athletes participating. But what we’ve not heard a lot about is the almost 5 million people a year that end up in the emergency room for traumatic brain injuries sustained from accidents, falls and other normal activities of daily life. Visits that in 2021 also put people at high risk for contracting Covid-19.

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Add in warfighters on the battlefield, victims of domestic violence, the elderly, and other populations that face increased risk of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and the need for fast, reliable tests that let us know if we’ve suffered head trauma becomes clear. Not to mention the long-term costs associated with an estimated 13.5 million Americans living with a disability due to TBI, or the nearly $77 billion annual (direct and indirect) costs of TBI in the U.S.

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