Source: my.visme.co | Repost Duerson Fund 9/28/2020 –
Testimonial from former D1 Softball athlete who suffered two concussions within one week that resulted in a number of debilitating symptoms, including daily migraines for 3 1/2 years. The HOW foundation funded her for 20 HBOT sessions which transformed the quality of her life, back to her “old normal”, instead of a diminished “new normal”.
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At the time of my accidents, I was going to the gym five days a week and running right along with my players. Once my injuries happened, more physical limitations presented themselves. I went from running three-miles to being only able to walk for 5 minutes at a time before my headache soared out of control. I couldn’t express myself as I once could. Engaging in conversation was exhausting and my thoughts were fleeting as my mind would far too commonly go blank. I was embarrassed by my condition because no one could see my injury, they could only see the effect of what it did to me, but to many it’s hard to believe what you can’t see.