Loyola High School Takes Unique Step Towards Preventing Concussions Source: spectrumnews1.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/22/2019 – The number of high school athletes in California who have been...
Former Patriots linebacker Ted Johnson criticized Tom Brady’s Claim That His ‘Brain’s Wired For Contact’ Source: boston.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/22/2019 – Ted Johnson, who won three Super Bowls as a linebacker for...
‘No Safe Blow To The Head’: Why One Season Of Childhood Football Likely Means Irreversible Brain Damage Source: cbn.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/22/2019 – While Americans shudder at the shocking rate of substance abuse-related deaths...
Researchers Close In On CTE Diagnosis In Living, One Brain At A Time Source: usatoday.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/22/2019 – Submerged in chemicals in the stainless-steel bowl is the key to...
Mississippi State RB Kylin Hill Collapses On Sideline Of Outback Bowl Source: saturdaydownsouth.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/8/2019 – Molly McGrath updated the situation via Twitter after the game, “Just...
Young Athletes Abandon Football As Concussions Rock High School Teams Source: cbsnews.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/7/2019 – For many Americans, this is traditionally a big week for high...
When Present, Athletic Trainers Can Improve Concussion Outcomes For Student-Athletes Source: wiscontext.org | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/7/2019 – Fears about the danger of concussions have prompted rule changes for...
Brain-imaging Therapy Shows Promise In Treating PTSD Symptoms In Military Personnel Source: journalnow.com | Re-Post Duerson Fund 1/7/2019 – An acoustic brain-resetting therapy being developed by Wake Forest School of...